Friday, May 20, 2016

Assignment #18 My Grades

To complete this final assignment blog post you do the following:

1) title the post "My Grades"
2) Number each assignment 1-17 followed by a period (.).
3) Log in to schoolloop and click on the progress report for this class.
4) type the number grade for each assignment 0-10.

If you have unfinished assignments or grades that are less than 7, then you can not complete this assignment.

This final assignment is graded as a pass (10)/fail (0).


1.  10
2.  10
3.  10
4.  9
5.  10
6.  8
7.  10
8.  10
9.  10
10.  10
11.  9
12.  10
13.  10
14.  10
15.  10
16.  10
17.  7

Joceylyn, Marbella, Jake and Leslie for finishing on time.

If you do not complete all 18 assignments with a 7 or higher you will get zero (0) credits for this part of the wheel.   If you are not finished with all 18 assignments by end of class today, then you will have one additional week to complete any missing work.  If you haven't completed every assignment by 2 pm on Friday, May 27th you will forfeit (lose) the 5 credits for this class. 
The following students are currently earning zero credits.

Javier                    missing 14 assignments
Jonathan               missing 7 assignments
Kevin                    missing 4 assignments
Michael                missing 9 assignments
Saloman               missing 6 assignments
Edwin                  missing 11 assignments
David                   missing 10 assignments
Margarita             missing 9 assignments
Ernesto                 missing 10 assignments

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